Expressions Through Color: Poetry

Works by Sheryl Murphy-Manley

                A Poem for Fall

The dawning of night revealed crevices 
    of disappointment.
Crystal dew hung on limp blades of grass
    taunting the earth’s thirst.
Sudden and sorrowful sighs exhaled 
    the soul’s weariness
    while weary breaths sunk back into 
    the dusk of the abyss.

                From 16 to 17

It was a full year unexpected. . .
Twelve months gifted. . .
Did love unfold on each of those days,
Or did anger steal precious hours?

The breath of tomorrow rides on compassion,
But lingering fear drags humanity astray.
When kindness glides from fearful hands,
which children get pushed from grace's path?

Who declares the recipients of mercy?
From which shore is it announced?
From here, looking there?
Or from there, looking here?

What walls of isolation can separate souls?
What walls of insulation can steer God's love?
Imagined nations have closed their gates, and
Linguistic boundaries trap children outside.

But, God's cloak envelopes a circumference.
Our fog of preference is self-imposed.
Another year unexpected. . .
    To try yet again. . .
        To live. . . and
            To love humanity.

              Buried Whispers

The city's buried whispers
    emerge on the wings of dance.
Unforeseen attractions magnetize memories
    forcing joy to flatten all remnants of beauty.
Colorful tears scatter underfoot
    dissolving into brilliant crystals that
    shatter all myths of humanity as the 
    exhale through their last, 
    frozen grasp.

            The Arm

Passing through my life like a hurled stone---
Missing walls and chipping trees,
Gravity has no hold, despite clipped wings.
Turning upward, soaring above all there is
Into a quilted cloud of peace---
The arm that tossed me was kind after all.
May I land with grace,
With no fear of falling,
Confident in the union of stones and earth.

© 2020 Sheryl K. Murphy-Manley
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